UETR views favourably outcome of trilogue on Mobility Package

UETR views favourably outcome of trilogue on Mobility Package

UETR views favourably the Trilogue agreement on Mobility Package under Finnish Presidency. 

UETR views favourably the agreement reached in trilogue discussions between the negotiators of the European institutions on the social and market aspects of the Mobility Package.

“We commend the big efforts by the Member States negotiatiors, the EU Presidency, the European Parliament negotiators and the European Commission to reach an agreement on the Package. We have now a set of new rules for road transport, after a very long process which has taken two years and a half of intense negotiations ” said UETR President Julio Villaescusa.

This is a pretty balanced compromise between harmonization and liberalization. 

The provisions on cabotage show a sensible approach aimed at allowing a regulated access to the international road haulage market. 

The approval of rules on the posting of drivers is also positive, against the risk of being faced with a regulatory gap for the years to come.

The introduction of the digital tachograph also for LCV at the international level will allow a level playing field, and better enforcement of the rules through new technologies. 

We hope that the EU institutions will now validate and formally adopt the legislation without further delay.

Here you can view and download the Press release.

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