Loading and unloading: UETR at the CSR Europe Responsible Trucking platform

Loading and unloading: UETR at the CSR Europe Responsible Trucking platform

UETR intervened on the 28th of November 2023 at the CSR Europe webinar- Human Rights Due Diligence in the Logistic Sector, addressing the issue of loading and unloading to improve the working conditions of truck drivers. UETR provided first hand feedback and recommendations on the survey from the CSR Europe Responsible Trucking project. “Drivers and haulers are the unsung heroes of the supply chain. In the logistics and transportation industry, loading and unloading are critical aspects of the process that can significantly impact efficiency, safety, and overall operations. Short term sustainable and robust solutions are needed to improve working conditions and address effectively the shortage of drivers. UETR is ready to play its part together with the other actors of the supply chain” said Mr. Digioia.

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