UETR Manifesto for the new EU term 2024-2029
Click here to explore our Manifesto and discover our detailed proposals. ...
Click here to explore our Manifesto and discover our detailed proposals. ...
The Spanish digital transport operator, OkCargo and UETR have signed a strategic collaboration agreement that will allow them to export the successful model that has been implemented in Spain since OkCargo began operations in January 2023 to other European Union countries. This strategic agreement was signed...
44 European transport associations member of the “More EU Budget for Transport” Campaign handed over to DG MOVE Director General Mrs. Magda Kopczyńska the declaration on the importance of transport sector for Europe and the need for more EU funding in the context of the...
44 European transport organisations, representing the key spectrum of Europe’s transport network, are again joining forces in a campaign to urge the Council and the European Parliament to increase the EU financial instruments to transport. The transport sector is of strategic importance in responding to Europe’s...
UETR as part of the Jury together with other private and public stakeholders congratulates Delta Park and On Turtle La Jonquera being awarded Truck Parkings of the year 2024. The ceremony of the ESPORG Excellence in Truck Parking Award took place at the European Parliament on...
An exchange with the European Commission, EU Parliament, local authorities and industry stakeholders on truck parking areas in Europe took place at the European Parliament on the 6th of March 2024 hosted by ESPORG and MEP Kosma Zlotowsky. UETR joined the panel discussion on how to...
UETR intervened on the 28th of November 2023 at the CSR Europe webinar- Human Rights Due Diligence in the Logistic Sector, addressing the issue of loading and unloading to improve the working conditions of truck drivers. UETR provided first hand feedback and recommendations on the...
In view of tomorrow’s vote in the ENVI Committee on the revised CO2 emission standards from new heavy-duty vehicles, UETR supports greater flexibility and options to face the challenge of the climate objectives promoted by the European Union, allowing all valid and climate-friendly energies to...
The 2024 edition of the Award is open. UETR teams up with ESPORG, the European Secure Parking Organisation, on the Excellence in Truck Parking Award, aimed at promoting safety, security, quality, and care in providing services to professional truck drivers when using the services of...
UETR together with more than 40 associations and companies signed a joint industry statement supporting eFuels in view of the International eFuels conference taking place in Munich on the 4th of September and organised by the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport. Participants will...