
UETR is dedicated to defending and promoting the interests of MSMEs in the road transport sector at the European Union level. Together, we lobby for a sound EU policy for the next decade. Together, we work towards a stronger, more flexible, competitive and sustainable road transport sector in which our members are confidently able to face current and future challenges.

More specifically, we are committed:

To creating a well-maintained and fully-integrated transport network able to deal with the challenges of the 21st century

To improving the levels of service, road safety and competitiveness at affordable costs

To achieve this goal, we are dedicated to:

Eliminating excessive regulation and administrative burdens

Strengthening the capacity of professional associations to provide SME support and information dissemination

Supporting new technologies ensuring sustainability and competitiveness

Increasing road capacity

Improving harmonisation of legislation at national and EU level

Monitoring adverse developments in the sector

Developing response strategies

Mobilising all necessary financial resources

Eliminating excessive regulation and administrative burdens

Strengthening the capacity of professional associations to provide SME support and information dissemination

Supporting new technologies ensuring sustainability and competitiveness

Increasing road capacity

Improving harmonisation of legislation at national and EU level

Monitoring adverse developments in the sector

Developing response strategies

Mobilising all necessary financial resources

Keeping the road haulage market fair, competitive and sustainable is fundamental to us.


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