UETR intervenes in EC hearing on strategy for Sustainable and Smart Mobility

UETR intervenes in EC hearing on strategy for Sustainable and Smart Mobility

On 16 September 2020 UETR on behalf of SMEUnited intervened in a hearing of the social partners, organised by the European Commission, on the future EU strategy for sustainable and smart mobility.
UETR underlined the continuing existence of very large disparities in costs for road haulage companies between EU countries (especially social and social security contributions) and asked the Commission to make sure they will be addressed for a really integrated road haulage internal market.
UETR also highlighted the need for a Contingency Plan for freight transport and a fast track mechanism ensuring a quick decision making process at the EU level in case of crisis.
UETR position on a future Strategy for a Sustainable and Smart Mobility can be found here.

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