UETR attends the stakeholder hearing on the review of road haulage market

UETR attends the stakeholder hearing on the review of road haulage market

9 November 2011 – UETR Secretary General Marco Digioia attended today the stakeholder hearing on the state of the EU road haulage market organized by the European Commission. The hearing, which fits into the framework of the consultation on the review of the internal market in road freight transport, was attended by the members of the High Level Group for the Road Haulage Market (a group of eight independent scientific experts appointed by the European Commission to assess the state of the EU road haulage market and make published recommendations about what course of actions should be pursued to further integrate the market).

The meeting followed the structure of the consultation paper launched in the end of July. The debate has seen an active interaction between the social partners and the High Level Group, tackled the  most important topics on the future of internal market (efficiency, quality, security and road safety, implementation and enforcement of the existing legislation, road charges and driving restriction, cabotage, shortage of drivers).

UETR position paper on the review of the internal market in road freight transport.pdf

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