Road transport companies in Europe

Road transport companies in Europe

25 September 2009– Bulgarian road transport federation BASAT organized a seminar in Sofia to discuss the situation of road transport companies in the European Union. UETR President Francesco Del Boca and UETR members Nit Hungary, Confartigianato Trasporti,  Ozs,  Fita Cna, Uptr and Sav participated in the open discussion on the following topics:

  • Trends and development in road transport services since the beginning of 2009;
  • Scope of surviving and development of the small and medium transport business in terms of the economic crisis;
  • Practices for guarantee and collecting of claims on transport contracts within Member States;
  • Terms of payment / contract warranty / making secure legislative decision;
  • Sanctions enforced by the Control Authorities in Member states. Most frequent cases of violations;

Mr. Del Boca presented also UETR (mission, activities, political dialogue and contribution to the road transport sector at European level).
Mr. Alexander Tzvetkov, Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications of Bulgaria, participated in the seminar and gave a welcome speech together with Mr. Mirolub Stolarski, Chairman of BASAT.

The event has seen the participation of some fifty persons (entrepreneurs, representatives of transport associations).

See photos here.

Seminario Nazionale Sul Trasporto
The Situation of Small Operators in the EU Haulage Industry

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