VIA Logistik (Germany) new UETR member

VIA Logistik (Germany) new UETR member

At its General Assembly in Brussels on the 24 th of June 2019, UETR has accepted VIA Logistik GmbH from Germany as UETR Associate member.”We welcome VIA Logistik as new member. The enlargement of UETR shows that its impact is growing rapidly. We will continue to focus on the defence of economic interest of Micro, Small and Medium Sized haulers in Europe. There are many challenges to face, first of all with the Mobility Package not adopted yet. We will work with the new policy makers resulting from the EP elections, for an effective, fair and competitive road haulage market. With a bigger UETR family now” said UETR President Julio Villaescusa. 

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