UETR welcomes European Council’s conclusions on coordination on COVID

UETR welcomes European Council’s conclusions on coordination on COVID

UETR welcomes the European Council’s conclusions of Friday 2 October for COVID, “1. The European Council held an in-depth discussion on the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is determined to stand together in this difficult situation, and calls on the Council, together with the Commission, to further step up the overall coordination effort and the work on the development and distribution of a vaccine at the EU level. The European Council will regularly come back to this issue.”

COVID has been inserted at the top of the list of the conclusions, despite in the beginning the subject was not on the agenda.
EC President Von der Leyen also stressed the importance of addressing coordination on COVID measures at a press conference..

“It is encouraging that the Council and Commission have been receptive, our message together with other European Associations got across. We thank those who supported and look forward to the next steps by EU policy makers for real harmonisation and balance at the EU level.” said UETR Secretary General Marco Digioia.

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