UETR press release on the Council agreement on Mobility Package

UETR press release on the Council agreement on Mobility Package

Brussels, 6 December 2018

UETR acknowledges progress made in Council on the Mobility Package but further work is needed for a balance between competitiveness and fair competition.

UETR appreciates the EU Transport Ministers’ efforts leading to an agreement and progress on the first Mobility Package.

In particular, UETR welcomes the direction taken of better enforcing the current rules on cabotage through new technologies and the introduction of access to market provisions taking into account the lack of harmonised operational conditions in Europe.

The approach on posting of workers based on the nature of operations is also a sensible way forward to unlock the impasse, through the employment of electronic means.

However, there are still very sensitive aspects needing more effort, including the acces to profession for light vehicles, the liability in the supply chain, a transition to the smart tachograph taking into account the life of vehicles and investments to be made by small companies.

In the market of goods transport by road, the specificity of micro small and medium sized is to be taken into account for a legal and operational framewok workable for all small haulers all over Europe” said UETR Secretary General Marco Digioia .

UETR pleads for clear and precise EU rules, an effective and uniform enforcement strategy.

We are now looking at the European Parliament. MEPs have a great challenge to face, with the opportunity to get to a mature industrial relations system, to a really balanced, quality and fair EU road haulage internal market” said UETR President Julio Villaescusa.

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