UETR in TRANSPO project

UETR in TRANSPO project

13 September 2011– UETR Secretary General, Marco Digioia, has intervened in the meeting on TRANSPO project, held today in Rome. TRANSPO is a pilot project co-funded by the European Commission in order to support the application of the Directive 96/71/EC on posting of workers in the road transport sector. Project partners are: the Italian Ministry of Labour (DG Inspection Activities and DG Labour Market), the French Ministry of Labour (DG Travail) and the Romanian Labour Inspection (Inspectia Muncii). It is now finalising the document “Guidelines for Inspection Activities on Posting of Workers in the Road Transport Sector”. “UETR’s involvement in TRANSPO is important to the sector. Employers are fully collaborating in the project, having always asked for respect of the rules for a real fair competition in the EU” said Mr. Marco Digioia.

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