23 Jun UETR expresses grave concerns regarding the EP Plenary vote on ETS2 including road transport
The European Parliament meeting in Plenary Session on 22 June approved the ETS2 proposal with the inclusion of commercial transport from 2024.
UETR has grave concerns about the impact of the ETS2 on small businesses, as supported by the EP.
The unbearable increase in energy prices in Europe is already putting at risk road transport companies which play a vital role delivering goods to people and business.
We have no certainties that the conditions to create an enabling environment to ensure a successful transition to green economy will be in place in the short term. More specifically, road transport companies are concerned that they would not be able to rely upon alternative fuels infrastructure capacity in Europe in parallel with the entry into force of ETS2.
UETR has always remarked that the EU has to realistically prioritise the acceleration of full development of alternative fuels infrastructure (AFIR) first. Any possible inclusion of road transport in ETS needs as essential prerequisite the full deployment of such infrastructure all over the EU.
“We are missing the opportunity to have a workable and successful ecological transition of the sector. The future of those delivering goods to the benefit of citizens and the real economy is now even more uncertain” said UETR President Julio Villaescusa.
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