UETR acknowledges progress made with the vote of the EP mini-plenary on the Mobility Package

UETR acknowledges progress made with the vote of the EP mini-plenary on the Mobility Package

Brussels, 5 April 2019

The outcome is obviously a compromise, but represents an acceptable balance between harmonization and liberalization.

In particular, the approval of specific rules on the posting of drivers is a step forward, against the risk of being faced with a regulatory gap for the years to come.

Even if the provisions on cabotage are different from those approved in the Council, it is nevertheless a pragmatic approach aimed at allowing a regulated access to the international road haulage market. 

But there is still much to be done to address structural shortcomings in the road haulage market like the significant social security contribution disparities across the EU.

The introduction of the digital tachograph will allow better enforcement of the rules through new technologies. We expects that accompanying measures for micro, small and medium trasport enterprises will be introduced to allow the transition to new generation devices to retrofit on vehicles already in circulation.

The spirit of compromise has prevailed, close to the new elections in May. We acknowledge the Parliament’s big effort and we thank all those MEPs who have worked towards this result by supporting a fair and competitive sector. We expect EU Institutions will continue down this route in future negotiations” said UETR President Julio Villaescusa.

It was a long and bumpy journey, showing how relevant interests involved are and how important road haulage sector is for the real economy” said UETR Secretary General Marco Digioia.

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