The new EC Mobility strategy contains a number of positive measures, but it does not fully address problems still unresolved in the EU road haulage market

The new EC Mobility strategy contains a number of positive measures, but it does not fully address problems still unresolved in the EU road haulage market

UETR appreciates the new EC’s Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, containing a number of measures supporting the transition to a sustainable and smart road haulage sector.  However, a level playing field and fair competition on EU Internal Market must be further addressed.

Julio Villaescusa, UETR President, said “In these unprecedented and challenging times, we expected EU level action also to address the gap small haulers face between transport costs and rates and significant social and fiscal security contribution disparities across the EU, in order to prevent further fragmentation. The reference to fair transport must include the business side also. This will achieve a fair and functioning internal market for transport, towards road safety, quality and increasing the attractiveness of the sector the Strategy rightly refers to”.

Paperless transport, alternative fuels infrastructure deployment, financial support for green investments are important milestones. 

Marco Digioia, UETR Secretary General, added “It is positive to see in the Strategy an express reference to the support to SMEs for green investments, the importance of ensuring full enforcement of EU legislation, and the coordination with the upcoming Contingency Plan for freight to address any future COVID crisis. We trust the implementation of the Action Plan will be an opportunity to cover as much as possible issues impacting the essence of the EU road haulage market.”

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