SMEs and transport policy in EU

SMEs and transport policy in EU

19 March 2009 – UETR, in collaboration with the European Economic and Social Committee, organized its annual conference entitled «SMEs and EU Transport policy- Challenges facing road hauliers in the internal market» today in Brussels at the Committee’s premises.

The aim was to examine experience from SMEs and crafts in the internal road market shaken by the financial and economic crisis and provide a framework for constructive dialogue and consultation and a focus to get things done.

Access to market and profession, national and international regulation, taxation of the haulage industry, enforcement and competition were the main themes of an open discussion between a range of actors – Members of the European Parliament, companies, stakeholders.

Mr. Johan Friedrich Colsman, Member of Cabinet of Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for transport policy Mr. Antonio Tajani, has intervened in debate.

SMEs and EU Transport Policy – Program FR
SMEs and EU Transport Policy – Progam EN
UETR Policy Position Challenges Facing Road Hauliers in the Internal Market – Ma….
UETR Policy Position Challenges Facing Road Hauliers in the Internal Market – Ro….
SMEs and EU Transport Policy – Speech
Press Release: European Conference UETR

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