Road haulage sector

Road haulage sector

20 April 2009 – Impact of the economic recession on the road transport market. UETR and UEAPME Transport Forum President Francesco Del Boca spoke on 20 April at a high level meeting organised by the European Commission’s DG TREN on the impact of the economic recession on road transport. The conference brought together speakers from the road haulage sector, employees’ organisations, European institutions and the academic world. Thousands of transport companies have closed down in the last months due to falling demand and declining tariffs, stressed Mr Del Boca. A decrease in the circulation of goods has led to an increase in unemployment in the sector, which is also challenged by structural weaknesses, lack of contractual power and difficulties in accessing credit, he continued. Against this background, Mr. Del Boca suggested the creation of a European observatory on transport costs to monitor developments and rates, the introduction of an EU-wide full reimbursement scheme for duty excises on commercial diesel, the enforcement of a maximum payment term of 30 days for all services provided and a series of actions to ease access to finance for small road hauliers.

To find out more here.
Please find below President Del Boca’s presentation.

In the framework of SME Week on the 8 of May UETR Management Board and General Assembly met in Budapest.

Impact of the Economic Recession on the Road Transport Market

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