New EC proposal on COVID measures and travel restrictions

New EC proposal on COVID measures and travel restrictions

The European Commission has presented today its proposal on additional safeguards and requirements for international travellers into the EU. The key elements are the introduction at the EU level of:

1 Mandatory PCR  testing before departure

2 Stricter measures to address virus variants of concern

3 Common European Passenger Locator Form

In parallel, the EC has presented a proposal to review the recommendation of the EU Council to coordinate measures affecting free movement.

UETR welcomes the fact that the Commission once more stresses the exemption of transport workers as essential workers and calls for full implementation at the EU level of Green Lanes by all MS. “Member States should also seek to avoid disruptions to essential travel, notably to keep transport flows moving in line with the ‘Green Lanes’ system and to avoid supply chain disruptions. […] Transport workers, whose exposure to the general population when travelling is typically limited, should not be required to quarantine and in principle be exempted from travel-related tests. The same exemptions should apply when essential travellers are transiting.

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