Landmark vote on the Mobility Package for a fair and competitive EU road haulage sector

Landmark vote on the Mobility Package for a fair and competitive EU road haulage sector

Press release

Brussels, 9 July 2020


Landmark vote on the Mobility Package for a fair and competitive EU road haulage sector

UETR welcomes the agreement reached yesterday evening by the Plenary Session of the European Parliament on the social and market aspects of the Mobility Package.

Julio Villaescusa, UETR President, said “This is a landmark day for the European road haulage companies and drivers, and a significant step towards a fair and competitive sector. Members of the European Parliament managed to vote these texts through. Thanks to all who were involved in crafting such a balanced and unique result”.

The new rules will ensure level playing field and fair competition for all operators throughout the European Union, and better conditions for drivers, to continue contributing to the real economy in a sustainable way. The package sets clear, workable and uniform EU legislation and ensures harmonised and effective enforcement.

Marco Digioia, UETR Secretary General, added “This is a wide-ranging reform, aimed at adapting the sectoral legislation to today’s world and challenges, also through new technologies that will allow greater and better enforcement, making road haulage more effective with the reduction of paper and administrative burden, leveraging digital technologies.”.

UETR looks forward to the entry into force of the Package and providing support to the implementing and delegated acts process ahead.

More information here.

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