Fit for 55: the European Parliament has referred back ETS2 to the Committee: an opportunity to rethink ways and times of its implementation towards a successful ecological transition of the sector

Fit for 55: the European Parliament has referred back ETS2 to the Committee: an opportunity to rethink ways and times of its implementation towards a successful ecological transition of the sector

The European Parliament, meeting today in plenary session in Strasbourg, rejected the ETS2 proposal as agreed by ENVI Committee.
UETR believes that a number of proposals in the “Fit for 55” package represent a key step towards reaching the European Green Deal targets. However, our view is that the EU has to realistically prioritise the acceleration of full development of alternative fuels infrastructure (AFIR) first. Any possible inclusion of road transport in ETS needs as essential prerequisite the full deployment of such infrastructure all over the EU.
“Road transport is absolutely in favour of decarbonisation. But the text submitted to the EP Plenary for vote would have included only road hauliers in the system without any guarantees on alternative fuels infrastructure capacity to embrace the transition” said UETR President Julio Villaescusa.

As things stand now, and with the timeline contained in the ETS2 proposal, road transport companies are concerned that they would not be able to rely upon alternative fuels infrastructure capacity..

“A much more ambitious approach is needed in terms of infrastructural coverage, timeline, power level able to meet the needs of road haulers and hence society and real economy” added UETR Secretary General Marco Digioia.

We hope that the rejection will provide the opportunity to re-work on the proposal and make it fit for purpose, fully synchronised with AFIR – with small haulers as actors for change, embracing successfully their role in the ecological transition.

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