EU social rules and road safety of HGV drivers

EU social rules and road safety of HGV drivers

6 July 2011UETR participated in the meeting organized today by the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) in Brussels.

The conference was aimed at receiving useful suggestions from stakeholders to finalize the seventh report “EU Social Rules and Road Safety of HGV Drivers” in the framework of the PRAISE project (Preventing Road Accidents and Injuries for the Safety of Employees) co-funded by the European Commission. DG MOVE, IRU, CORTE, ETF and national representatives from controlling authorities of EU Member States also attended the event. UETR General Secretary Marco Digioia gave a presentation on “EU Social Rules and Road Safety of HGV Drivers” exposing best practices and business cases from some UETR members concerning the importance of creating a “road safety culture” both in professional drivers (e. g. by transport companies from professional associations like Confartigianato Trasporti and CNA FITA in Italy) and in road users in general like young children (with theoretical and practical courses as those organized by Flemish association TLV in Belgium).

Mr. Digioia also highlighted the importance of full enforcement of co-liability principle contractors-road haulers in order to ensure road safety and health and safety at work. See PPT presentation here.

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