EU Council’s common position on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation proposal

EU Council’s common position on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation proposal

The Council of the EU has adopted its common position on the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation proposal.

Key points

– For charging stations for electric heavy-duty vehicles: focus on the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) corridors as a first step, progressively from 2025 (15 %) to 2030 (100 % coverage).
– adaptation of the requirements in terms of distributed charging power at charging stations on parts of the TEN-T where traffic volumes are low.
– Hydrogen refuelling stations at a 200 km distance along the TEN-T core network by 2030
– new clause on a specific review in the short term for trucks and a review of the whole text in the medium term
– guarantees concerning payment options and the display of prices at stations for users.

“The Council’s common position is a positive step. We welcome binding targets for TEN T, the new clause on a short-term review; and LNG not being left behind, but we call for policy makers to be much more ambitious in terms of coverage percentage. We also recall the importance of synchronisation with the ETS2 proposal- otherwise, road transport will be not able to embrace the green transition” said UETR Secretary General Marco Digioia.

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