EU Council agrees on Contingency Plan for transport

EU Council agrees on Contingency Plan for transport

On 23 October the EU Council has agreed on recommendations to set up a Contingency Plan for transport to face COVID 19 and any future crisis.

The EC is called to adopt the plan, whose main elements are:

  • a coordination mechanisms to avoid unilateral and uncoordinated restrictions.
  • Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) corridors and cross-border connections to be kept operational. 
  • international transport workers allowed to present the certificate attesting to their employment, in paper or digital form, in order to further reduce red tape
  • free movement of transport workers hand in hand with protection of their health and safety
  • MS’s possibility to allow temporary derogations for each mode of transport, on a case-by-case basis more quickly than in the past
  • A specific framework for temporary state aid in case of future crises .

UETR welcomes this first key step towards a consistent and structured approach to the crisis, having since the beginning advocated for a Contingency Plan for the sector.

Conclusions and more information here.

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