EDPS against merging professional driving licence with driver card

EDPS against merging professional driving licence with driver card

20 February 2012 – The European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) exposed its opinion on the Commission proposal to merge the driving licence of professional drivers with their driver card. The integration of two totally different functionalities in one single card, which would record a wide range of data about professional drivers including their activities and whereabouts, would have a significant impact on the fundamental right to the protection of personal data.

The EDPS encourages the Commission to consider the risks associated with the processing of personal data in interconnected intelligent transport systems. He also particularly emphasises the need to conduct a privacy and security impact assessment before the merging of the driver cards with driving licences could take place. He further recommends to:

  • evaluate the impact of the use of a microchip in the driving licences;
  • ensure that the overall design of the processing is privacy friendly and proportionate to the purposes pursued;
  • specify the data or categories of data to be stored in the microchip, in compliance with the principles of proportionality and data minimisation;
  • provide sufficient guarantees for the effective exercise of data subjects’ rights;
  • ensure a strict limitation of access rights in view of the legitimate purposes for which relevant authorities and any other recipients would need to access the data.

View the opinion of the European Data Protection Supervisor here.

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