15 Nov UETR in ACROSSEE project on border crossing
1 October 2012 – UETR will participate in the “ACROSSEE – Accessibility improved at border CROSsings for the integration of South East Europe” project, just approved for co-financing by the South East Europe (SEE) Programme.
ACROSSEE project will involve the Ministries of Transport and Infrastructure of UE and non-EU countries, major Universities, Regional Authorities, Chambers of commerce and economic agencies, Transport institutes and associations of transport operators.
“UETR has always highlighted the importance of transport market integration hand in hand with harmonization between Southern-Eastern EU countries and Balkan area in order to get mutual benefits. The fragmentation of infrastructure and a number of difficulties lead to additional transport and trade costs for road haulers, manufacturers, importers/exporters. This project is a good starting point to tackle such issues and make progress in the field” said UETR Secretary General Marco Digioia.
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