UETR at the public hearing on the situation of road haulage internal market‏

UETR at the public hearing on the situation of road haulage internal market‏

28 February 2012 – Today, UETR attended the public hearing organized by the European Commission in Brussels on the situation of the Internal Market for Road Haulage.
The EC will present a report on the subject by the end of 2013. In order to prepare the drafting of this report, a High Level Group of independent academic experts has been set up to provide a first set of recommendations.

Cabotage, enforcement, shortage of drivers and productivity were the four topics discussed at the event. “UETR welcomes the fact that a general agreement on the need of harmonization of social and safety legislation and its enforcement has been reached by participants” said UETR Secretary General Marco Digioia. “Member States have a great challenge to face in the future: harmonization is the only way to have a genuine, fair competition in the EU. Moreover, stakeholders  have asked for a system of shared responsibility, e. g. for customers providing instruction for national transports to non-resident undertakings. Of that I am personally very pleased because UETR has always asked for a full and effective system of co-liability in the whole supply chain at EU level “he added.

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