09 Apr The EC invites members states to extend non-essential travel restrictions to the EU until May 15
With its new Communication the European Commission invites the EU Member States and Schengen countries, including associated third countries, to extend non-essential travel restrictions to the EU until May 15. The EC also recalls the importance of complying with the Guidelines for Green Lanes: “The scope of the extension of the temporary travel restriction should be the same as that set out in the Commission’s Communication of 16 March 2020. When applying the temporary travel restriction, Member States should follow the Guidance of the Commission of 30 March 2020. In addition, the Commission recalls point 15 of its Communication on the implementation of Green lanes of 23 March 2020 and calls on all States and actors mentioned therein to continue cooperation and applying the implementation guidance on green lanes to the greatest extent possible at external borders.”
The Communication is available here
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