Common social standards between the EU and its neighbouring countries

Common social standards between the EU and its neighbouring countries

20 September 2010 – The new European agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport (AETR) entered into force today. This agreement extends the European Union rules on driving time and rest periods for lorry and coach drivers to 22 additional countries. It will make it easier for EU hauliers to work in neighbouring countries, and will improve safety and the conditions of competition in all the AETR countries. With minor exceptions, the AETR rules correspond to those of EU legislation in the same field. In particular, the use of the digital tachograph to enforce the driving time limits of hauliers is now obligatory in all new vehicles of the 49 Contracting Parties to the AETR. Having one set of rules inside the EU and in international transport from third countries to the EU Member States and between the third countries prevents distortion of competition arising from differences in permissible driving times between countries, protects the working conditions of drivers and ultimately contributes to better road safety across Europe.

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