Author: UETR

FITRANS joins UETR growing community, with a focus on innovation and road transport. Spain's FITRANS Federación Interregional de Asociaciones de Transporte intends to address all significant structural and conjunctural problems for the freight transport entrepreneurs at these difficult times. "”We welcome FITRANS as new member. The enlargement...

15 February 2021 Following the restrictive policy carried out by Germany, introducing ex abrupto COVID 19 testing requirements for road haulers, Austria has also approved border control measures preventing access to Austrian territory to all vehicles whose drivers and occupants do not have a certificate that...

UETR welcomes the European Parliament's approval of the Recovery and Resilience Facility and together with the “Transport for EU Recovery” Coalition calls on EU Member States and the European Commission to ensure that the transport sector receives adequate consideration in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans.“We...

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