News and Press Releases

13 November 2009  - UETR / UEAPME Transport Forum meeting took place today in Brussels. As guest speaker, Mr Luis-Carlos Busquets-Perez, from the European Commission, DG Enterprise, Unit ICT for Competitiveness and Innovation attended. Mr Luis-Carlos Busquets-Perez introduced the mandate on co-operative systems for intelligent transport. UEAPME...

14 December 2009 - BVT Bundesverband der Transportunternehmen has officially become a member of UETR. The adherence has been confirmed today, at the annual UETR General Assembly. “We welcome BVT and recognize its professional quality and representativeness at national level in Germany. The acknowledgment of UETR’s commitment...

22 March 2010 - ANTP (Associação Nacional das Transportadoras Portuguesas) has officially become a member of UETR. The adherence has been confirmed today, at the UETR General Assembly and Management Board held in Dortmund, Germany. “I believe ANTP as a new member will give strong added value to UETR; our...

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